Thursday, May 24, 2007


So if there was a Father of the year award given, and it was based on a tally of this year's points, I think my year-to-date score would look something like:

F.O.T.Y. Scoreboard:

Took both kids to the aquarium (+ 5 points)
Didn't notice Ry had a full diaper a few weeks ago (- 3 points)
Made up a song for Charlotte that she really liked (+ 2 points)
Clean up the dishes most days (+ 10 points)
Let Kara sleep in on Mother's day (push)
Wash bottles most days (+5 points)
Threw up the morning after St. Patrick's day (-10,000 points)
Change about 2.2 diapers a day on average (+8 points)
Attended a 1-hour lecture on "potty training" (+ 100 points)

Total points to date: -9,873

I will keep you posted.


Oscar de La Jolla said...

Dude, letting your kid stew in his own poop for several weeks is worth way more than -3 points.

Wood Dog said...

It is? I really need to adjust my score.