Friday, July 13, 2007

This (hot) week in Sea Town

All that whining you heard coming from the Pacific Northwest this week wasn't about Brian Roberts booting a JJ Putz-induced grounder and ruining JJ's All Star Game save opportunity, it was the heat. I have to admit that at 98 Degrees all over the city this week, I was complaining a bit too. When the cave gets above 60, you know things are getting un poco caliente in the out-cave world.

But not to worry everyone, all of those Seattleite tears must have had an impact because we will be back to rain this weekend.

Ichiro Update

Speaking of hot. Holy crap, have you seen what Ichiro is doing this year? Just to make his point, he decided to go 3-3 in the All Star Game (he actually had the AL's first TWO hits of the game, to show not only that he is a good hitter, but also a better hitter than the other All Stars). If that wasn't enough, his third hit was the first inside-the-park Home Run in All Star history. Thank you Ken Griffey Jr. for misplaying his double into a Home Run. Ken, we can hear you loud and clear, you are a Seattle Fan, and you want back. Bavasi, are you listening too?

For his efforts, Ichiro was awarded the All Star MVP award by Bud Selig. Did you hear the post-game award ceremony? Selig was talking to Ichrio slowly and loudly like Ricky's Mom in Better Off Dead talking to the hot French Exchange student, "ICHIRO. YOU WENT 3 FOR 3 (IN CASE YOU CANT FOLLOW AMERICAN SCORING) AND HIT AN INSIDE THE PARK HOME RUN..." I am surprised Bud didn't grab Ichiro's mouth and help him sound the words out as he spoke.

If that wasn't enough HUGE news this week for Ichiro fans, all signs point toward a $100+ Million 5-year contract coming soon for Suzuki San. I have run the numbers people. He is actually worth the $20 million a year.

Speaking of $20 million a year, that's roughly what Rashard will be making ($113 million over 6 years) with the Orlando Magic starting... NOW. This is the next critical step in Same Presti's "Create a TERRIBLE low-cost Sonics team and stockpile lottery pick players to start fresh in Kansas City in 2009" plan. No Ray, no Rashard, no WAY the Kevin Durant era starts well.

On a related note, Scott Boras announced this week that A-Rod will make AT LEAST $30 million per year when he re-signs somewhere. Hell, the desperate Yankees just might give him 150 over 5 years. That wouldn't be out of character at all...

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