Monday, June 11, 2007

Musings of a Dad Man III

A good thing to remember is that if your baby is crying, there is usually a reason for it. Now I know this seems obvious, but I think some people stress out when their child is crying because they feel powerless to help them at times. Well, stress no longer. I have created a list of reasons your child may be crying, and I even created a helpful mnemonic device to ensure that you can remember the reasons, even in the most trying of times. So the next time your baby cries, don't fret, just go through this list and try out my suggested remedy (followed in parenthesis):

Yawn (Your baby is tired. Put them to bed)
Over-stimulated (Mellow them out. Stop playing with them)
Under-stimulated (Bored. Entertain them)
Ravenous (Hungry. Feed them)
Envy (they want something, like a toy. Give them the damn toy)

Fiery (hot. take off their jacket)
Urine (or "pee". Change diaper)
Cold (put them in more clothes, or close the window if it's winter)
Ka-ka (or "poop". Change diaper)
Evil (you're baby just might be evil and cries a lot)
Dehydrated (or "thirsty". Give them liquids)

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