Yeah, my wife went into action like a crack commando unit. Or a commando unit on crack. The contingency plan was enacted, we had candles lit, and the emergency flashlights on in like 8 seconds. I was informed we needed to conserve battery power "just in case". I was amazed she wasn't handing out firearms to the kids, and telling me to get the hell out of the way, or to just start baking bread.
HD service is entering my life in 24 hours. Just TRY to wipe the dopey grin off my face. I DARE YOU.

Whiskey tasting was MUCH harder than I gave it credit for. After 6 or 7 drinks in, everything starts to taste the same. 100 proof Knob Creek or Balvenie Doublewood Single Malt? Who the hell knew? Except the Laphroaig... a very distinctive scotch that smells and tastes like a peat bog... it's awesome.
I almost had a spit take (spit took?) in the car yesterday when I heard on the radio the following words: "I'm Wally Szczerbiak, and YOU'RE listening to Sonics radio!". I

By the way, my early season prediction that the Sonics were going to go 0-82 this year is looking more and more like a lock.
That "Dick in a Blog" guy looked like he had so much promise when he entered the blog world, but then just disappointed. He reminds me a lot of Niner QB Alex Smith, well except for the promise.

If you stare at the Monkey Collage long enough, you can see the image of a little black wooden dog. Creeped out yet?
If you are scheduling a training for work, that is really more of a boon-doggle, and are trying to get away with it, you really shouldn't refer to the training location as "Vegas" to your boss. It's "Las Vegas". And don't follow up with the obligatory "baby" either.
Jesus, it's like we have all been programmed to say Vegas "Baby!" when talking about a trip to Vegas. I personally can't help it. I try to fight it, but it just happens. It's just way too fun and catchy not to I guess. Note to marketing people everywhere: all you have to do is repeat a word 10,000 times over the course of 90 minutes to permanently engrave it into someone's unconcious.

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