Saturday, August 11, 2007

Real Men of Genius

I recently orchestrated a bachelor party for a good friend, we'll call him Wreckbro. During the 3-day event, Wreckbro had to complete some pretty impressive tasks in order to leave the weekend shame free. Among such events was a swim through the icy waters of puget sound, building a bench, taking the picture of a deer or other animal, and so on. One of the events though did stand out; it was called the "Real Men of Genius" challenge. The rules were simple: you sit at a table, and drink one itsy bitsy 3-oz beer for every song that was played on a CD. The CD used contains (almost) all 68 Bud Light "Real Men of Genius" commercials, each of which lasts for approximately 1 minute.

That's right.

"Bud Light presents: Real Men of Genius. (Reeal men of genius...) Today we salute YOU Mr. 80-SPF Sunblock Wearer (Mr. 80-SPF Sunblock Wearer). There are 24 hours in a day, but you have 80-hour protection..."

and drink... but before you know it...

"Bud Light presents: Real Men of Genius. (Reeal men of genius...) Today we salute YOU Mr. Bass Plaque Maker (Mr. Bass Plaque Maker)..."

and drink... and right then...
"Bud Light presents: Real Men of Genius. (Reeal men of genius...) Today we salute YOU Mr. Foot Long Hotdog Inventor (Mr. Foot Long Hotdog Inventor )..."

The idea is simple enough. The trouble is that 3 oz beers (say 33% air and foam), one per minute, for 68 minutes, is about 11 beers over the course of an hour and change. It's like 100's Club (100 oz of beer or 8 beers in 100 minutes) but, well, more genius.

I give you, the real Real Men of Genius.

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