One of my favorite scotches Oban 14 is not available in the state of Washington. I shit you not. I have searched every liquor store and bar that I know for this smokey seaside single malt, and have come up empty. Every time I demand an anwer from the bar or liquor stor proprietor, they come up with some lame excuse about their wholesaler being short on stock, but they were sure it would come back next week. There is something fishy going on in the state of Washington, and I don't like it. I am sure the fat cats at the tobacco companies are involved somehow.
Oh, and yes the State of Washington controls all hard alcohol sales within her boarders, completely inflating the prices in a monopolistic fashion and stopping the free market from getting me my scotch. It's like prohibition all over again.
My ability to incorrectly pick NFL games against the spread is reaching historical heights this year. In a league with roughly 90 participants, I am currently ranked dead last in the ranking. There is a small last place prize that I am now shooting for, and you have no idea how hard it is to stay the course with my method in picking games. If I start trying to pick losers I am going to end up winning a week or something and completely screw my last place chances. This is stressing me out just thinking about it. See the TAP blog for my current pick % and be impressed.
My protrade account had a nice pop with the simultaneous selling short of Sean Alexander with the buy of Maurice Morris. The Sea Chickens are also 4-0 since Morris took over running the ball.
Is anyone else still a little pissed that we demoted Pluto to Non-Planet status a year or so ago? I LOVED Pluto. It was the little runt planet really far away that was named after Mickey's Dog. What wasn't to like about Pluto? I mean, what do you really remember about Uranus (other than the perverted name)? Now though, thanks to a grand triumph of scientific reasoning, Pluto has been reclassified as a "Dwarf Planet" along with Ceres and Eris, two little bitch rocks that happen to cirlce the sun too. I also think that phrase is B.S., and that they'd actualy prefer to be called "Little Planets".
I do like astronomy, and Astro 10 with Professor Filippenko was my most enjoyable class at Cal. Though I think my astronomy career peaked when I made a room full of pledges pretty accruately reenact the orbital rotations of the nine planets (YES, INCLUDING PLUTO) around our sun, along with a few moons, and a comet.
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