I certainly will NOT allow Ryan to be put in something like a "cute" (read: "lame") Baby Sailor costume that could cause serious damage to his psyche if he sees the pictures later in life. For god's sake, his sister dresses him in tutu's any chance she gets. Let's get a MANLY costume, and at least give the boy the option of not being gay if he so chooses.

Mostly I have seen parents err on the side of WAY TOO CUTE costumes for their babies; which gets you results like "Baby Snowman", "Baby Butterfly" or "Baby Pumpkin" (OK, I have to admit, Charlotte was a pretty cute Baby Pumpkin at age 1, but this is about RYAN. Remember the tutu issue). For another example, see exhibit D: Bjorn,_Baby .
So on to the real options:

I think "Baby Yoda" or "Baby Darth Vader" have REAL potential for Ry-ry. They're tough, and I think would get him some good street cred to bank for use later in life. Just imagine on the playground in a few years... "HEY PUMPKIN, IT'S DARTH. REMEMBER ME?"
Oooh yes.
Baby Gorilla. A true classic. I might have to fight him for this one though. How can you go wrong with a Gorilla costume on Halloween? Even before I really knew Jason Bennett in college, he showed up at a party in a full-on Gorilla costume, and I knew he was all right. This is almost a no brainer.
Unless... is there some way to combine the toughness of a Star Wars Baby Darth / Baby Yoda costume with the classical nature of the Baby Gorilla costume? OH MY GOD, it's so simple. Ladies and gentlemen, we have a WINNER. I present to you: BABY CHEWBACCA. Our work here is done. Now I just have to convince my wife...

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