A few things are nice about workign in a cave below my house, like I don't have to succumb to the social pressures of fashion, or hygiene. In other words, I don't shower or dress most mornings, or afternoons, or most days ending in "y". I am but a simple cave man, to quote one of the greats.
Last week my 2.5-year-old pointed at me after I emerged from the cave and said "Daddy has a beard!" She knows the word "beard"? Fortunately, I don't think she meant that in a Katie Holmes kind of way, but more of a comment on my grooming and cleanliness of the moment. Hey, it was nicer than pointing at me and saying "Daddy smells like a hobo" or something, which she also could have said. She might know the word "hobo".

I do thouhg have this nice detachment from the out-cave world. Hell, I don't even know what the weather is outside most of the time except for this icon I set up on my explorer toolbar. This past NFL season I had our Seahchickens on the TV while I was working down here on Monday night, and the whole story on MNF was the snow storm absolutely blanketing Seattle. "Holy s#!t! It's snowing" I thought, and ran upstairs to see.
Oh, another benefit is that I can have the TV on at work. That's a plus. Oh, and fantasy sports on the computer screen, and music, and maybe even get a workout in some months. Oh yeah, this cave has an elliptical. Nice caves these days.
Somehow I have managed to pull this off for two years and still be considered a fully functioning member of our little company... let's call us "Scmoculous Innovative Sciences, Inc." to keep things anonymous. To be fair, I do work my a$$ off for these guys, but sometimes I just do it with the M's on the radio. Hey I even closed our recent Pen Deal, and stock was up a little, so that keeps me legit for another few months:
So the anonymity didn't last too long. Oh well. But don't go looking here for inside information on Schmoculous because, well, I hate the idea of jail. Dudes would use a guy like me as currency in the po po... and even if I did slip up and say something, our volume is so low WE COULD SEE YOU TRADING ON THE INFO. So don't try.
And it looks like I'm talking to nobody... time to leave the cave.
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