Friday, March 30, 2007
Small Cans?
Hi Wood Dog,
The 16oz is ok. The same amount of beer was consumed. The minimum oz of beer would be 108. So he would have to have around 7 beers to complete the 999 challenge.
Thanks and Congrats!
Excellent. It's official. Now I just have to register slim on the 999allstar hall of fame, and get that guy the t-shirt.
Thursday, March 29, 2007

Were truer words ever spoken? Or thought? Or sung after shotgunning an Olympia Beer? I think not. Speaking of beer...
Germans love their beer. And do you know what "NO NO NO" is in German? That's right. It's "NEIN NEIN NEIN". And do you know what "NEIN NEIN NEIN!" is in stupid fratese? Glad you asked. It's "9-9-9". And do you know what that is? Well let me tell you.
Last year while at spring training with some friends (we'll call these guys Slim, Bo, Will, and Obnoxio) I made a bet with Slim that the loser in fantasy baseball that year would sponsor a "999" for the winner the following year at spring training. Yes, we are dorks, we know this. Slim and Obnoxio's team came in first, and my team came in second last season, again. And if you are an avid reader of the Wood Dog Blog, you know these guys were back in Arizona last week to take in some baseball, and yes, I was on the hook for as much of a 9-9-9 as Slim could finish. If he dared.
Well, to make a long story medium length, I was phoned about a dozen times through the course of their baseball game, and I'll be damned if Slim didn't complete a 9-9-9. He promptly passed out back at the hotel, putting an exclamation point on the accomplishment.
Slim Shady, I salute you. Please stand up and be recognized.
Mitch Harhay and the other geniuses at chronicle the heroics of those who have joined this elite fraternity.
Friday, March 23, 2007
Ass Clowns in 'zona