see Its_OKTO Blog
because it's okto blog.
Friday, June 6, 2008
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Moon over my house

What is a lunar eclipse you ask? It's a big shadow of the Earth, on the Moon. The Moon actually gets red for about 20 minutes while fully eclipsed. But all of these things you already knew.
But what about that smaller little star-like thing to the bottom left of the moon? Some claim that it was Saturn that we saw. Pretty convienient little story, huh? But if you take a picture using a very low-resolution camera with absolutely no light amplifications, then this is clearly NOT Saturn. You see, NO RINGS. What do I personally think it is? Well, I wont state it out loud here... but I have my theories, and let's just say they aren't very pretty.

I have stated in the past that Alex Filippenko was a phenomenal professor at Cal who starred in Astro 10 "Astronomy for Econ Majors", which I consider my favorite class that I took in college. (Heck, watch one of his lectures by clicking here. Click on the lecture titled "Lunar Phases and Glorious Eclipses". He's great.)
I also took a class on photography in the 6th grade, which I thought was very cool. So you could say these pictures are the culmination of two passing fancies that I once had, proved to be mediocre at, and subsequently quit doing. Inspirational, no?
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
19 - OH CRAP
Who wants to help pitch in and buy this for our good friend Tang? At only $185, it might be just what he needs to go postal and take out half his office building. (Thanks for the heads up Weaver). I am actually glad that he doesn't read this blog (a safe bet considering, well, that no one else does either) because this is just a cruel and unusual thing that Macy's put out there. I am just the messenger.

NEW! Waterford Crystal XLll Super Bowl Champion Football $185.00 Patriot perfection! Nineteen wins. Zero losses. Football history has been rewritten, and the New England Patriots have won it all! Commemorate every bone-crunching tackle and triumphant touchdown with this limited edition Waterford Crystal football. Crystal Each individually engraved & numbered piece includes a certificate of authenticity. Web ID: 298538
Monday, February 4, 2008
9-9-9 a-thon
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
No more yanky my wanky, Donger need Food
This is part 1 of a series (of hopefully 1 part) about how I will re-vamp my fantasy baseball team to improve our chances and inspire our fan base. The M's are attempting the same feat by ridding themselves of the best outfield prospect in baseball in exchange for "Ace" pitcher Eric Bedard. We at "Real Men of Genius" HQ respect that, even if we don't agree with it. So here is our own recipe for success, starting with:
Part 1. New Team Name
The Early Candidates are:

1. The Mitchell Brothers
A. Need to draft Bonds, Tejada, Rocket, etc
B. Refers to a strip club, and that's kind of funny
2. Barack's Tales of Suspense
A. Love this team name
B. Refers to Barack Obama's suspenseful run to the presidency
C. Risk: might jinx Barak O's run to the presidency
D. Refers to "Brak's Tales of Suspense", a classic team name circa 1997
E. Risk #2 - Will only be funny to 2 people (on the planet)
3. Seven Pilings
A. Refers to the over / under of the TAP Blog writer's sexual conquests in 2008
B. Has a nautical ring to it
C. Risk 1: only funny to readers of TAP Blog (see 2-E above)
D. Risk 2: even then, not funny
E. I really should do a post just about pilings
4. No he's not Bedarded
A. Refers to "ace" pitcher Eric Bedard
B. Refers to "Grandpa" in Sixteen Candles describing his missing Chinese exchange student Long Duck Dong to the police as "wearing a red argyle sweater, and tan trousers, and red shoes... No, he's not retarded!"
C. Only B above matters
D. Note: must draft Eric Bedard
5. Donger Need Food

A. Simply inspired by Long Duck Dong from 4 above
B. Very loosely tied to baseball, as a "Donger" is not only a penis, but also a home run
C. I just remembered that Kevbo used The Dongs as a Football team name. Damn it.
Part 1. New Team Name
The Early Candidates are:

1. The Mitchell Brothers
A. Need to draft Bonds, Tejada, Rocket, etc
B. Refers to a strip club, and that's kind of funny
2. Barack's Tales of Suspense
A. Love this team name
B. Refers to Barack Obama's suspenseful run to the presidency

C. Risk: might jinx Barak O's run to the presidency
D. Refers to "Brak's Tales of Suspense", a classic team name circa 1997
E. Risk #2 - Will only be funny to 2 people (on the planet)
3. Seven Pilings
A. Refers to the over / under of the TAP Blog writer's sexual conquests in 2008
B. Has a nautical ring to it
C. Risk 1: only funny to readers of TAP Blog (see 2-E above)
D. Risk 2: even then, not funny
E. I really should do a post just about pilings

A. Refers to "ace" pitcher Eric Bedard
B. Refers to "Grandpa" in Sixteen Candles describing his missing Chinese exchange student Long Duck Dong to the police as "wearing a red argyle sweater, and tan trousers, and red shoes... No, he's not retarded!"
C. Only B above matters
D. Note: must draft Eric Bedard
5. Donger Need Food

A. Simply inspired by Long Duck Dong from 4 above
B. Very loosely tied to baseball, as a "Donger" is not only a penis, but also a home run
C. I just remembered that Kevbo used The Dongs as a Football team name. Damn it.
Cartoon Network,
fantasy baseball,
Mitchell Report,
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Dog Tales

And YES, damn it, we did have dinner. We couldn't get an indoor court for tennis, but still met for tacos and beer. It was a surprisingly fun time, without the tennis. Me and my little tennis buddies.

What? You don't know about Wookiepedia?
I consider myself an excellent microwaver. I have the uncanny ability to pretty much nail the amount of time needed to reheat a plate of food. Reheat a full plate of Chinese takeout? 1:20. KUNG FU HYAH!

I was walking my dog Barkley yesterday, in a DOG ON LEASH zoned area of a local park, and was properly abiding by the rules. Then along came this over-weight mangy mutty looking dog with this crazy look in his eyes. About 50 feet behind, this hippie couple was following. They looked like they hadn't showered in a few weeks, and hadn't cut her hair in years or his beard in months. I guess they could also be described as over-weight mangy and mutty themselves. So they called their crazy looking dog back, who was obviously trouble, and tried to steer him around Barkley and me, then said "NO DIABLO!" when he started to bark and mess with Barkley. I tried to alleviate the tense situation by saying something like "Diablo? Well this isn't good!" And they just stared at me with these evil hippie eyes like I had insulted their baby. Now I don't want to judge, but just because you are some crazy hippie couple, who sleeps with your dog, and your probably take your annual communal hippie shower with your dog, doesn't mean you don't have to ABIDE BY THE DOG GAMNED LEASH RULES.
OK, I got that out of my system.

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